There are certain emails you receive that make your day. This was one of them:

Congratulations! After a thorough assessment against TRUSTe’s Certification Standards, TRUSTe has certified the privacy practices and statement for Benchmark Internet Group.

This is not an effort we took lightly and are thrilled to see those words on the page.

What is TRUSTe?

For those that don’t know, TRUSTe is a service that aids businesses in adhering to the best practices in regards to privacy and the collection and use of personal information. The protection of your data is paramount to us. That’s why we will proudly boast our TRUSTe certification at every opportunity.

During the process, TRUSTe reviewed our Privacy Policy as well as our data collection practices. They ensured we dotted every i and crossed every t when it came to both.

You will now be able to clearly and proudly demonstrate your commitment to privacy.

If you insist. ?

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by Benchmark Team